Sports movies over the decades have been one of the most engrossing, thrilling and action packed genre of movies, tapped..
YouTube has evolved from a video sharing site to an alternate Hollywood production house which is more egalitarian and profitable...
Google is the indomitable champion in when it comes to the Maps business. Now they released an interesting game using..
Even though the process of cultural socialization is lifelong, we’re more impressionable at a younger age. And a whole lot of..
Michael Bay’s next iteration of the popular Transformer series is hardly a continuation of the old blockbusters. However, it holds..
Lucy’s first trailer came out at the beginning of April this year. The movie is scheduled to be released in..
Censorship in TED talks have been a hot topic of debate. It is about the internet creating much anxiety about TED’s credibility with respect to.. launched a monthly magazine called The Juice. It is available for free to anyone and everyone who may be interested..
Since Michael Jackson’s demise in 2009, hardly a year has gone by without at least one posthumous album release, bloating..
For the last two decades The Daily Show(TDS), under its undeniably masterful host Jon Stewart, had taken upon the task..