You don’t have to be a comedy geek to enjoy several hours of laughter. Trend Police brings you the list..
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Today we celebrate “Mandela Day” throughout the world. The day remembers Mandela’s achievements in working towards conflict resolution, democracy, human rights,..
Bill Gates, a name that brings about an assortment of emotions among various people. While some people call him a..
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is a sequel to the 2011 release – Rise of the Planet of..
The Startup/Freelance culture has its own advantages and problems. While flexible hours are easy to get used to, it’s a..
Arts and music lovers have witnessed a thriving music scene since recent years as more bands now have the opportunity..
DDB Mudra, the Indian division of DDB, has worked with a charitable organization to consider how design can create multiple..
Are you one of those old souls who are stuck in this new age longing for the vintage feel? Well, the..
Hair today has become one of the biggest fashion statements in any industry. Men or women, old or young, a..
Richard Clarkson, a multi-disciplinary interior designer, owns a design studio in New York and New Zealand where he experiments with different products, lights, and..